1. "HANGING STILL LIFE"--Mixed media photography. Mid-nineteen-eighties. For several months I kept an empty Dom Perignon bottle and a banana and an orange on the kitchen table where I lived; I periodically replenished the fruit with fresh pieces. Then, one day, inspired to do something new-ish, I retired to the front porch with a large sketch book and black and white conté crayon and sketched from memory the still life from the kitchen. The sketch completed, I taped the image to the front porch floor and ran to the kitchen and retrieved the orange, banana and the bottle. On the way back to the porch, I snagged my camera. I placed the fruit and the bottle onto the drawing, over their corresponding images. Using a Ricoh KR-5 Super, an inexpensive but solid 35mm SLR, loaded with 32 asa black and white film, I took several shots, one of which I present here. Just click on the thumbnail.

2."FLY": An ornate doodle in stippling. Same camera, using tri-x-400, taken with auto-flash under incandescent light. I wondered how the specks of silver halide in the film would interpret the dots of black, blending and refocusing them. Materials: black Flair agaist blank page in book of high grade drawing stock. Click here--

3."Chilled Monument"--Zen Photography: I took this photo on a cold December night, 1987, in Charelstown, MA, the Bunker Hill Monument looming in the background. This a hand held shot; I used the bulb setting and held the shutter open, intuitively sensing the exposure time. Observe the squiggly head light trails that denote the time lapse. TriX 400 film.

4."Chairs in the Street" Taken on Centre Street in J.P., in front of the now defunct Treasure Chest thrift store. Circa 1985, using an older Kodac formula. Gives it a washed-out look.


5."Mum on the Charles" Taken with bulb-setting, an open-shutter shot; Fourth of July at the Charles River fireworks celebration in Boston in late eighties. New jpg from new scan.

6. Is a picture of a vintage car, a '66 Dodge Charger, a still life? You decide. Taken with an old 35mm Konika, this picture is older now than the car was at the time. Summer of '74.

7. Taken with high speed color film as the shell lay on a marble table. Newly scanned on 9/14/2006.

8. Mother Church Ricoh KR5 Super SLR, TriX 400 film. It was a brisk wintertime Boston afternoon when I took this black and white photo of a section of the New Mother Church of Christian Science in Boston.

9. Minimalist Woman Same camera and film as "Mother Church." Taken on Boston's Orange Line; the young woman in the photo nodded faintly when I asked if I could take her picture. She isn't asleep. Instead, she is just enjoying my adulation of her serene outlook.