Section Two

1. Chevy in the Yard Summer of '88. This lovingly restored (I think it was a) '64 Chevy invited me to use my Ricoh KR5 Super SLR to gather an image that is a "car as still life." Click on image for larger view.

2. Cafe Chairs. I took this shot on Summer Street in downtown Boston sometime in the mid to late eighties. The chairs, belonging to Au Bon Pain, an eastern Massachusetts chain of coffee and pastry shops, were bound up for the winter.

3. Living Life Cafe More Zen photography. TriX 400, Ricoh KR5 Super camera, taken at night in early 1988. This night club in Brighton, MA, stood in the dark as I held my camera lense open; the headlights from an approaching car hit the building for an instant or two. It felt right, and I released the plunger on the camera. Building is concrete with stensils in pastel blue and pink. No windows. Looked like a bunker, like it could withstand a bomb blast.

4. Dinner Salad Ricoh KR5 Super with Polaroid film. 1985 or early '86. Ricoh KR5 Super Camera and flash. Just tryin' out my new flash at the time. Was living in a rooming house in lovely Jamaica Plain in Boston at the time and took this little kitchen scene. Olives, radishes, cheese, lettuce. Sorry about the grubby looking kitchen rag. Note the Lotus cup near the upper right hand corner.

5. Salad Box Around same time as the above salad bowl. Same camera and film. Note the cramped, claustrophobic feeling to the shot.